Photo Exhibition and Polaroid Transfer Workshop by TÔRU in Gijón

Photo Exhibition by TÔRU in Gijon (Spain)
TÔRU (Toru Morimoto) exhibited in Gijon, Spain, his photographic work “Transferred Memories”. This project consists of his archival picutres of Japan. After more than a decade photographing his country, he went through all his negatives again. Most of the pictures of these series have not been published or printed before. These forgotten pictures were re-born as very unique and poetic images. TÔRU used polaroid transfer technique for these series which allowed him to mix western art, photography, with oriental art, Japanese paper. You can see this exhibition until January 31, 2018. If you cannot visit Gijon, you can see his works in his new website of TÔRU.
Polaroid Transfer Workshop by TÔRU
In addition to his photo exhibition, TÔRU offered a Polaroid Transfer workshop for a group of 15 participants. We have to say this workshop was very special and magical. As you know Fujifilm has finalized the production of polaroid film FP 100C, the only peel-apart film that existed in the market. Now there are very few FP 100C in the world. So, this workshop was very historical.
The workshop stared with his explanation about the relationship between photography and Japanese tea ceremony. “Each photo is unique, just like each cup of matcha prepared in a tea ceremony,” he said. He also prepared matcha for all participants.
Each participant took a portrait of another participant of the wokshop. And with TÔRU’s help, they tranferred the images to Japanese paper. Thye had not only a very unique experience, but they could also take a polaroid transfer of their own portrait picture with them to their home! What a piece of art!! Thank you all for joining!!